2016 美东北区华人基督徒退修会
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2016 美东北区华人基督徒退修会

Aug 11-14, 2016

Bryant University

1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917-1291


栾长老祖籍山东,生长于台湾嘉义,台大电机系、新竹交大管理科学研究所毕业。 1981年于耶鲁大学完成博士学位,并进入美国电话电报公司 (AT&T) 的贝尔实验室(Bell Labs) 服务。 1988年举家返台,任教于中原大学资讯系及交大管理科学系。 1989年回到美国,继续在AT&T实验室的通讯网设计与性能分析部门 (Network Design and Performance Analysis) 从事研究发展工作, 直到2008年2月提前退休。

栾长老生长于基督化家庭,年轻时曾经历对信仰上的挣扎,经过认真的探索、寻求、并查考圣经的证据,肯定了从小所接触的信仰之真实可靠。 15岁时在一次夏令会上,清楚基督是生命之主,愿将一生奉献给神。

1981年底起,栾长老夫妇开始加入新泽西州中部若歌教会的服事, 曾担任探访部及灵修部的执事及执事会主席。 1991年被按立为长老,并先后负责教会关怀及崇拜事工;职场退休后,继续在神学院进修。目前在若歌教会配搭全职服事。



黄浩新牧师於1957年生於台湾,1981年来美留学,在维州理工大学化工糸取得博士学位後,进入工业界服务近20年,其间大部份时间居住在新泽西州。 1994年6月与太太一同受浸归入主的名下,以後一直在新泽西州华人福音会事奉。 2007年7月回应主的呼召,进入北卡夏洛特改革宗神学院就读,三年後毕业取得道学硕士学位,随即进入服事工场,在康州哈城华人浸信会担任中文堂牧师四年,于2014年9月回到夏洛特市迦密浸信会华人事工牧会。 2016年5月教会正式植堂成为夏洛特沐恩基督教会后,担任主任牧师至今。 师母廖畹卿也曾是专业人员,拥有统计博士学位,和黄牧师一同蒙召,如今夫妇二人同心牧养教会。在植堂期间,师母主要负责儿童事工的开创和运作。 夫妇二人育有二子华轩与华翎,皆已成年。


吴荣滁牧师出生于澳门,十三岁迁居台湾。 他毕业于台湾成功大学化学工程系及研究院,曾任职高级工程师。

蒙神呼召全职事奉后,在台北华神、新加坡神学院、美国歌顿康维Gordon-Conwell 神学院和威敏斯特Westminster 神学院进修,并在Westminster神学院取得释经学博士学位,论文专攻启示录研究。 吴牧师曾在高雄牧会及任教于新加坡神学院,现任美国罗威尔华人圣经教会Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell主任牧师。


来自中国大陆。曾就读于北京大学地球物理系和经济系。来美后于宾州州立大学环境经济学和 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 环境管理专​​业深造。他在国内慕道,来美两个月后重生得救、受洗归主。于1998 年蒙神呼召全职事奉,进入Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary 接受装备,获道学硕士。 2001年蒙神带领前往纽约上州罗城(Rochester, NY)植堂开拓教会。现为罗城华人胜利浸信会牧师,曾任中国基督徒生命团契/生命季刊董事,并在各地营会、几所国内神学院、圣经学校担任讲员及客座讲师。他与大学同窗王静结婚并育有二女、一子。

Rev. Wei Feng came from Mainland China. He studied at Department of Geophysics and School of Economics in Beijing University. He did graduate study on Environmental Economics in Pennsylvania State University and Environmental Management in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He was a seeker of Christianity in China, was saved and baptized two months after coming to the US. He surrendered to God’s calling of full time ministry in 1998 and went to study at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, where he received Master of Divinity degree. In 2001, God led him to Rochester, New York to do church planting. Now he is the Senior Pastor of Victory Baptist Chinese Church of Rochester. He had served in the board of CCLiFe, preaches at different places, and taught at several Bible colleges/seminaries in China. He married his college classmate, Jing Wang. They have two daughters and a son.

Pastor James Choi

Pastor James's life is a testimony of God's grace. He was sent by his non-Christian parents from Korea to America to achieve the "American Dream" at the age of 7, but God sovereignly led him to pursue full time ministry. He has lived in various places including Seoul, FL, OR, NJ, TX, and MD, but calls Coppell, TX his hometown (hence his affinity for bbq, tex-mex, sweet tea, and anything The South). He graduated from University of Floriday with a B.A in political science and went on to get his Master of Divinity at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is currently pursing a Doctor of Ministry degree in Applied Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. After serving as an associate pastor of youth and Education in Silver Spring, MD for 7 years, he completed his pastoral internship at Capitol Hill Baptist Church, where he is currently a member. Currently, he is preparing for a church plant/revitalization, teaching and leading Bible studies, working with a college ministry at George Washington University, and working to set up an Asian-American pastors' network/forum to help call Asian-American pastors to love and lead the local church in healthy biblical reform. Pastor James and his wife Jeri has been married for 5 1/2 years and have a 3 year-old daughter Caidy. They are expecting their 2nd child due in November. They currently reside in Hyattsville, MD.