
NECCC 2008 New England Chinese Christian Conference

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中文報名表 | English Registration Form


7月28日为报名截止日期, 过期报名者恕不保证膳宿. The registration deadline is July 28, after which there is no guarantee on the room availability.


如果您属协办教会(CBCGH, DCAC, FCCCC, CBCNH, UConn BSG) 成员, 请将填好的报名表及报名费直接交给所属教会负责同工。其他人员,请将填好的报名表及报名费寄交 If you belong to one of the sponsoring churches (CBCGH, DCAC, FCCCC, CBCNH, UConn BSG), please turn in completed registration forms together for registration fees to the coordinators of sponsoring churches.  Otherwise, please mail your completed registration forms together with registration fees to:

    NECCC 2008, 348 High Ridge Road, Stamford, CT 06905

    支票抬头 Check Payable TO: Chinese Baptist Church of Greater Hartford (or CBCGH)                 备注 Memo: NECCC’08


大會費用採自由奉獻 (Free Offering)  Please use two checks for the offering:  One is designated for room and board which is not tax deductible.  The other one is designated for free offering which is tax deductible and NECCC will issue a receipt.


Registration fee報名費:   Adult 成人 $75, Children孩童 (4-11) $40 , Maximum per family每家最多$225


支票抬头 Checks Payable To: Chinese Baptist Church of Greater Hartford (or CBCGH)

备注 Memo:                            NECCC’08


校方收費標準(三歲以下免費):The following charges include the use all of the facilities.


               成人(或12歲以上): 住宿 $28.35 /;  餐費 $35.31 /           Cost Breakdown Help  

                孩童                                 住宿 $15.00 /;  餐費 $23.66/           Nearby Restaurants


Bryant University Expense Reference :

             Adults (12 yr +) :   Lodging $28.35/night,   Meal $35.31/day

            Children (3 -12 yr) :  Lodging $15.00/night,  Meal $23.66/day

                               under 3 : free   


請自行攜帶:聖經,筆記本,文具,樂器,運動服,游泳衣 (室內泳池),及合宜的服裝參加主日  崇拜.  務必自備枕頭,床單和毛毯. (校方不備 ) Please bring your own Bible, stationary, music instruments, swimming suits, etc.  Bring your pillow, linen and blanket.

No pets are allowed per university policy.


報到時間:(Check in schedule)


          8/7         (週四 Thur )                 4 - 6  pm , 9-10 pm

          8/8, 8/9 (週五、六 Fri,Sat )     12 - 1  pm , 9-10 pm


注意:用餐須用註冊時校方發的名牌  (Note that it requires badge to enter dining room)